United Dual Complete Providers (2025)

1. UHC Dual Complete FL-D003 (PPO D-SNP) Lookup tools

  • Provider Directories: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Calhoun, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, ...

  • UnitedHealthcare offers UHC Dual Complete FL-D003 (PPO D-SNP) Lookup Tools plans for Florida and eligible counties. This plan gives you a choice of doctors and hospitals. Learn about lookup tools.

2. Florida UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans

  • These SNP plans provide benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as transportation to medical appointments and routine vision exams.

  • Florida UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans (SNP) offer benefits for people with both Medicare and Medicaid, with benefits beyond Original Medicare including transportation to medical appointments and vision exams.

3. Arizona UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans

4. UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Medicare Advantage | Lakeland Care

  • UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Medicare Advantage. General information. Provider portal. https://UHCprovider.com. Phone. (844) 368-6885.

  • Mailing address

5. Dental Provider Portal | UnitedHealthcare

  • The UnitedHealthcare Dental Provider Portal helps providers get access to more patients, competitive reimbursement rates and dedicated support.

  • The UnitedHealthcare Dental Provider Portal helps providers get access to more patients, competitive reimbursement rates and dedicated support. Health care professionals can get detailed patient benefit and claims information and access to trainings designed to help you and your practice.

6. Special Needs Plans (SNP) - Medicare

  • An SNP provides benefits and services to people with specific conditions, certain health care needs, or who also have Medicaid.

    See Also
    Ash Dethkarz

7. [PDF] Missouri Medicare Dental Provider Manual for UnitedHealthcare Dual ...

  • 4.1 Covered Services for UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete. Provider Quick Covered Services Reference Guide for the UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. Medicare ...

8. [PDF] Frequently Asked Questions about Medicare and Dual Eligible Special ...

  • Dec 6, 2021 · These plans will cover all medical, behavioral, and long-term care health benefits as well as prescription drugs. • Most Medicaid enrollees will ...

9. AARP Medicare Plans from UnitedHealthcare

  • Learn more about choosing a Medicare plan and shop for AARP Medicare plans available in your area from UnitedHealthcare.

10. Dual Special Needs Plans Providers | SCDHHS

  • Partnered D-SNPS · Aetna · Clear Spring Health · First Choice VIP Care · Humana · Molina Healthcare · United Healthcare · Wellcare ...

  • Providers and D-SNPsThe South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services acknowledges and partners with eight Dual Special Needs Programs (D-SNPS) designed to enhance coordination of benefits for individuals who are receiving Medicare and Healthy Connections Medicaid services.

11. UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete | 2024 | Trustworthy Info

  • The UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete provider lookup tool will help you identify nearby participating dental providers. First, choose the UnitedHealthcare ...

  • UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete offers comprehensive health coverage for individuals who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid

12. District Dual Choice (D-SNPs) | dhcf - DC.gov

  • How do I enroll in the Dual Choice plan?If you are interested in enrolling, you may do so directly with UnitedHealthcare by calling 1-855-801-7175 / TTY: 711 or ...

  • The District Dual Choice program is exclusively for dually eligible beneficiaries and aims to better coordinate their Medicare and Medicaid benefits. On February 1, 2022, the District expanded its existing Dual Choice program into a more comprehensive program that integrates Medicare and Medicaid benefits into a single program. That means that there is ONE set of comprehensive benefits and ONE accountable entity to coordinate the delivery of services to help coordinate the unique needs of individuals.

13. Find doctors that accept UnitedHealthcare near me

  • Aetna · Alliant · AllWays Health Partners · Allwell · Ambetter From Peach State Health Plan · Ambetter From Sunshine Health · American Health Advantage of Oklahoma.

  • Find doctors that accept UnitedHealthcare near me

United Dual Complete Providers (2025)


Is UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete legit? ›

UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete plans

Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and a contract with the State Medicaid Program. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan's contract renewal with Medicare.

Is UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete the same as Medicare Advantage? ›

You'll keep your Medicaid plan, and you'll still get all the same Medicaid benefits you get now. A dual health plan is a type of Medicare Advantage plan. It will replace your current Medicare plan. Plus, it includes prescription drug coverage and many other benefits and features you don't get with Original Medicare.

Are people happy with UnitedHealthcare? ›

Average member satisfaction ratings: Despite being a behemoth in the industry, UnitedHealthcare's member experience scores are about average among major providers.

What are the disadvantages of UnitedHealthcare? ›

Key Features
Expansive provider network Variety of plan options Wide range of available benefitsHigh out-of-pocket costs Limited Special Needs Plan (SNP) options Low customer satisfaction ratings on Trustpilot
Oct 26, 2023

Is there a class action lawsuit against UnitedHealthcare? ›

A class action lawsuit was filed against UnitedHealth Group, Inc. (NYSE:UNH) on May 14, 2024. The plaintiffs (shareholders) alleged that they bought UNH stock at artificially inflated prices between March 14, 2022, and February 27, 2024 (Class Period) and are now seeking compensation for their financial losses.

What is the highest rated Medicare Advantage plan? ›

Our Top Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Best Consumer Reputation: Blue Cross Blue Shield.
  • Best Nationwide Coverage: Humana.
  • Best Local Support Services: Aetna.
  • Largest Provider Network: UnitedHealthcare.
  • Best Additional Benefits: Cigna.
  • Best Overall CMS Rating: Anthem.
Sep 10, 2024

How much OTC does UnitedHealthcare give per month? ›

You can also order by phone at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711) Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 8 PM local time or online at https://www.cvs.com/benefits. You order from a list of approved items, and it will be sent to your address. How much is my OTC benefit? You have $25 per month.

Can you have Medicare and UnitedHealthcare at the same time? ›

Yes — but you have to enroll in Medicare Part A and/or Part B. For a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan, you must have both Medicare Part A and Part B to apply.

What is the difference between AARP UnitedHealthcare and UnitedHealthcare? ›

AARP endorses the AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers.

What is the best supplemental insurance when you're on Medicare? ›

Best for Medigap plan options: AARP/UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement Insurance. Best for member satisfaction: State Farm Medicare Supplement Insurance. Best for premium discounts: Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Insurance. Best for extra benefits: Anthem Medicare Supplement Insurance.

What is the most popular AARP medicare supplement plan? ›

Plan F and Plan G are the two most popular Medigap plans. Plan F is only available to those who qualified for Medicare before 2020, but because of its comprehensive benefits, about 46% of Medicare Supplement enrollees have chosen this plan.

Why does AARP recommend UnitedHealthcare? ›

For more than 25 years, AARP and UnitedHealthcare have shared a common mission to advance health care for older Americans. UnitedHealthcare and the AARP-branded Medicare plans help to improve health outcomes and create better consumer experiences.

What is the controversy with UnitedHealthcare? ›

In two recent stories, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) mischaracterizes the purpose of UnitedHealthcare's in-home clinical assessment and preventive visit program and inaccurately claims the company received payment under the Medicare Advantage program for diseases that were misdiagnosed or never treated.

Why is UnitedHealth being investigated? ›

UnitedHealth is also facing a private antitrust suit by a California hospital system called Emanate Health, alleging that the company tried to strong-arm the nonprofit over its affiliated physician groups and exert control over primary-care doctors in its region.

Why do people say not to get a Medicare Advantage plan? ›

In some cases, you'll have a higher share of costs when you see an out-of-network doctor. In other cases, you're not covered at all if you go out of network. This is particularly important if you travel a lot because Medicare Advantage plans generally don't provide out-of-state coverage.

Where can I use my UnitedHealthcare Healthy benefits card? ›

A UnitedHealthcare healthy food card (UCard) can be used at more than 35,000 participating stores including major retailers such as:
  • Walmart.
  • Walgreens.
  • CVS.
  • Kroger.
  • Publix.
  • HEB.
  • Family Dollar.
  • Dollar General.
Sep 5, 2023

How much UnitedHealthcare OTC benefits in 2024? ›

You can also order by phone at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711) Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 8 PM local time or online at https://www.cvs.com/benefits. You order from a list of approved items, and it will be sent to your address. How much is my OTC benefit? You have $25 per month.

Does UnitedHealthcare pay for second opinions? ›

Most insurance plans include the option to get a second opinion as a standard no-cost benefit. Most UnitedHealthcare members can get second opinions through 2nd.MD, where specialists are available by phone or video conference.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.